Developing Life Skills

We have qualified personal and career coaches on our team who can provide training and assist our clients to develop:

  • Personal Development: Our experienced team offers support in areas such as self-care, self-advocacy, decision-making, and goal-setting. We work closely with clients to identify their strengths, interests, and aspirations, helping them build confidence and take control of their lives.

  • Communication and Social Skills: Effective communication and social skills are vital for building relationships, engaging in meaningful conversations, and navigating social situations. We provide targeted support to help clients improve their communication abilities, including verbal and non-verbal communication, active listening, social cues, and conversation etiquette. We also offer strategies and coaching to enhance social interaction and promote positive relationships.

  • Transportation Training: Being able to navigate the community independently is a vital life skill. We provide transportation training to assist clients in using public transportation, developing orientation and mobility skills, and increasing their confidence in navigating their environments. We prioritise safety, accessibility, and the development of skills necessary for independent travel.

  • Financial Management: Financial literacy and money management skills are crucial for personal independence and decision-making. We assist clients in understanding and managing their finances, including budgeting, saving, and banking. Our aim is to empower individuals to develop the skills necessary for financial independence and security.

  • Time Management and Organisation: Effective time management and organisational skills contribute to productivity, goal achievement, and overall well-being. We provide strategies and practical support to help clients manage their time, set priorities, create routines, and organise their physical and digital spaces.

  • Vocational and Employment Skills: Our services include support in resume writing, job searching, interview skills, workplace communication, and job-specific training. We collaborate with clients to identify their career aspirations and provide tailored assistance to help them achieve their vocational goals.

Why choose Korama Care?


Tailored services focused on participants individual goals. We invest in getting to know participants and work together to support their needs.


We operate with honesty, integrity and transparency. We are committed to maintaining high standards and continuous improvement.


Our leadership team includes people with experience in compliance,risk management and audit within the healthcare sector. Our reporting is timely, informative, compliance focused and written to support participant goals and needs.


We have a team of experienced staff who are passionate about disability care. We provide training and induction for each staff member to ensure that they provide quality care to each participant.